Duties of an Ideal Student Paragraph for HSC

“The duties of an ideal student” is an important paragraph for the SSC and HSC examinations. So, the SSC and HSC examinees should know the duties and responsibilities of an ideal student to write an informative and easy-to-read paragraph.

All the best.

Duties of an Ideal Student

At the beginning of the discussion of the duties of an ideal student, we should know about the definition of a student.

Who is a student? A person who spends a particular time in an educational institute for formal education is known as a student. Hence, the time we spend in primary schools, high schools, or universities to acquire knowledge is called student life. And during that period, we are students. As we receive knowledge and skills in this period people consider it the best time of our life.

Knowledge and skills that a student acquires in student life help the student to cope with the challenges of the world. On the other hand, our society also gets numerous services from an ideal student.

Being a student in an educational institution is the golden part of a person’s life. Proper utilization of this time makes a student successful, qualified, and happy.

Acquiring knowledge is the first and foremost duty of an ideal student. Besides reading textbooks, an ideal student reads newspapers, storybooks, novels, journals, articles, etc. regularly to enrich knowledge and be updated with information at home and abroad. The ideal and good students emphasize reading all the subjects of their exams. Generally, the ideal students are very good at math and English side by side with other subjects.

An ideal student should not be only a bookworm. He should engage himself in different co-curricular activities to be physically and mentally fit. An ideal student knows that participating in extracurricular activities incredibly assists him in developing some particular skills essential for professional life.

By taking part in debating an ideal student can develop his public speaking skills. Competence in public speaking is one of the important skills for a team leader to convince people. Sports are also important for a student to be physically and mentally fit. An ideal student voluntarily becomes a member of Scouts, Girls Guide, language club, computer club, cultural clubs, etc. to flourish his/her latent talent.

An ideal student sets his future goals in student life. Because he knows that an aimless student is like an engine without an operator. He also knows that time and tide wait for none. He knows the value of time. As a result, an ideal student utilizes every single moment of student life to take excellent preparation to face future challenges.

A student should prioritize physical fitness. Good health is the root of success and happiness. An ideal student maintains discipline and hygiene in his personal life to be physically and mentally fit. He eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the right time. He does not awake at night unnecessarily. An ideal student is an early riser. He is never late for his school or college. He tries to accomplish his work in time. To maintain hygiene, he washes his clothes once or twice a week. Haircuts, trimming nails, bathing, and sleeping enough are some routine activities of an ideal student.

Besides regular studies, a socially conscious and conscientious student takes part in different socio-cultural activities to help the people in his community. Thus, an ideal and conscious student discharges his duties to human beings and society. For example, in winter he can stand by lower-income people by distributing blankets and warm clothes by collecting from the well-off people of the society.

As long as a student belongs to student life, he should keep learning. Apart from reading his textbooks a student also should acquire some life skills. This is the time of preparation for future life. So, it is the duty of an ideal student to be well-equipped with timely and career-oriented skills to be well fit in professional life. The life skills are computer literacy, English language skills, driving, cooking, empathy, interpersonal skills, etc.

As part of social activities, an ideal student can visit his village. He can make people aware of the importance of education, family planning, and so on.

A student should be diligent and perseverant. To get good scores on the exam he should be consistent in his studies. There shouldn’t be any pause in his preparation. An ideal student must go to school regularly and listen to the lectures of his teachers attentively. He is always hardworking and dutiful.

An ideal student follows the rules of discipline in his personal and college life. He always abides by the instructions of his parents and teachers. A good and ideal student does not mix with the bad people of society. He is polite, gentle, and loyal. A good and ideal student is soft-spoken and kind-hearted. He is also well-behaved and punctual. An ideal student respects and loves people of all ages and in return, people also love an ideal student.

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