Paragraph Human Rights for HSC and SSC

Human Rights is an important paragraph for the students of SSC and HSC examinations. So, the SSC and HSC examinees should emphasize knowing details about human rights to write an informative paragraph.

The paragraph on human rights is also one important writing content among many other paragraphs in the competitive exams for job seekers.

The paragraph is divided into several parts so that students can easily read and understand it. But at the time of writing the paragraph in their answer scripts, students must put all the parts in a single paragraph.

After reading the paragraph students will know the following terms and concepts.

  • General idea about human rights.
  • Our basic human rights.
  • Universal declaration of human rights by the United Nations.
  • Basic human needs.
  • Relationship between basic human needs and human rights.
  • Be familiar with more human rights.

(Paragraph-1): Human Rights

If you are a human being you have the right to enjoy human rights. Because human right is the birthright of a man or woman. You do not need any special position or identity in society to enjoy human rights.

The fundamental human rights declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948. The declaration is a common standard for all people of all nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR paved the way to adopt many treaties to uphold human rights across the world.

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” is written in Article 1 of the UDHR declaration. Article 3 mentions “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security”. In Article 4 it is mentioned that no one shall be held in slavery or servitude. In Article 5 the UDHR declares that no one shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. All are equal before the law is declared in Article 7. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, as declared in Article 18. Article 19 declares that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

To deal with humanitarian crises in different parts of the world UDHR plays an important role. Because every UN member tries to maintain human rights as declared by the United Nations.

There is a similarity between basic human needs and human rights. Basic human needs are shelter, clothes, food, education, and medical treatment. Every person has the right to have basic human needs. So, the country is responsible for meeting the basic human needs of every citizen. This is the human right of the citizen.

Besides food, clothing, shelter, and education people have some other human rights such as the right to vote, the right to have justice, freedom of speech, security of life, the right to perform their religion, and the right to choose their profession, etc.

(Paragraph-2): Human Rights

A set of rights that are essential for every human being are human rights. As a human being, every single person should enjoy some rights. The rights are freedom, freedom of speech, right to choose their leader, right to move anywhere inside the country, right to go abroad, right to have medical treatment, right to receive education, right to have justice, food, clothing, shelter, etc.

Like many other third-world countries, the human rights condition in Bangladesh is not up to the mark. Because of extreme poverty, many children have to work in different sectors. This is a violation of human rights. According to law, they are supposed to be in school. But they are working to earn money for themselves and their family. Moreover, most of the time they become victims of violence from their employers. The girl children are the worst sufferers.

Working women are also deprived of human rights in most of the job sectors. Women get less payment than men though they work hard. They have to work more than eight hours which is a clear violation of human rights. They do not get maternal leave according to government law. This is also a clear violation of human rights.

Women and children are also victims of domestic violence. Husbands torture their wives over a trifling matter. Everyone should respect women and children and should protect the rights of every woman and child.

We all should be conscious of the human rights of every single person. Our government should take some effective steps to uphold the rights of every citizen.

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